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    Write an algorithm to multiply two matrices of the same size

    In this blog section, we will discuss how to write an algorithm to multiply two matrices of the same size. Matrix multiplication is an important operation in mathematics and computer science, and it is often used to solve complex problems. In order to multiply two matrices, they must be of the same size, meaning that […] More

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    Define Time complexity and Space complexity

    Time complexity deals with the amount of time required by an algorithm to complete its task. Space complexity is a measure of the amount of memory needed by the algorithm to complete its task. Time complexity is an important metric for assessing the speed of algorithms, as it gives an indication of how well an […] More

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    Algorithm to Calculate The Power Of n^x


    Q: Write an Algorithm to calculate the power of a number. Input will be n and x, and your algorithm should output the value of nx. Complexity Analysis Time Complexity: O(log n) Space Complexity: O(log n) Because of “recursive stack space“ More